About me
I am a student at Brown Summit Middle School. I develop programs for Windows in C#.NET, for GNU/Linux in C, C++, and bash, and for Atmel's AVR microcontrollers in C, plus the occasional cross-platform Python script. I've been programming since I was 9 and have previously taught Hour Of Code workshops at Brown Summit Middle.
My repos
- BSMS Team Scientia Website - Website for the Brown Summit Middle School Young Innovators Team Scientia that I am creating as the Chief Research Officer.
- AVRSineWave (coming soon!) - A program in AVR C to utilize pulse-width modulation to adjust the brightness of the red and green channels of two RGD LEDs using sine and cosine waves so that at any given time the blue and green luminosity functions are 90 degrees of of phase. CUrrently porting over from an Arduino sketch to run on a stock AT
- 0b00000000.me - Repo automatically generated by closeheat for my site at http://0b00000000.me
Repos I contribute to
- Discounts For Student Developers - An awesome list created by @najela. I've sent in a few PRs to the list; hoping to add some more soon.
All of my contributions on Github are released into the public domain.
Email: hakr@protonmail.ch Website: http://0b00000000.me
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